Our Hiring Process
A lot of our customers ask the same questions when trying to find the right lifeguard for hire company for their child's birthday party, school party, or even company party. The most asked questions when hiring a lifeguard for a private party or event pobably has something to do with our lifeguard hiring process.
Every single one of our ifeguards are certified in Red Cross. They have mutiple certifications including lifeguard, CPR/AED for the professional rescuer, and first aid for the first responder. This is how they get their certifications:

Our training is a 24 hour, 2 weekend long training where we teach the trainees everything they need to know about being a lifeguard. This includes everything from how to treat a scratch or bruise to a full blown emergency drowning. Each lifeguard will practice in and out of water saves to ensure they are ready for any sort of emergency that could happen. Each lifeguard trainee has to swim a 500 yard swim non-stop, swim heads up to the deep end, grab a water weight, and tread water with it above the water for 30 seconds. These tests are to show if the lifeguard is capable of towing a person to the wall in an emergency situation. We also teach our lifeguards CPR from front to back. We practice it so many times that they know it by heart. On the last day we test each lifeguard individually to see if they know their skills. If they miss any part of the CPR test they cannot pass their lifeguard training. Our first aid training includes bug bites, bee stings, objects lodged in the eye, broken bones, and dislocated shoulders. Basically we teach our lifeguards how to react in any emergency situation they may come across. All of these factors are not as important as the main thing we teach--How to be proactive. We teach our lifguards to look out and be aware of any emergency, but to stop it from happening in the first place. They can be proactive lifeguards by scanning, enforcing rules, and always staying alert. On test day we test them on all of the above factors both physically and in written test form. They must pass all of these tests completely in order to recieve their Red Cross lifeguard certifications.
All lifeguards are given the same tests and are expected to perform to their highest standards. After all tests are passed and their lifeguard certifications are recieved they can begin our hiring process. This includes a written application followed by an interview process. Once all of this is passed with flying colors we welcome them to our team!