Contracting Lifeguards
Reasons why you should contract out lifeguards for your facility pool this summer:
Ensure that you have only properly trained lifeguards at your pool at all times
No worrying about scheduling, call outs, employees being sick, or lifeguards leaving you for school at the end of summer
No worrying about lifeguard training, Red Cross Certifications, or making sure lifeguards keep up on their skills
One payment! No paying for taxes, worker's compensation, liability insurance, etc.
We do all of the necessary paperwork
We take care of payroll for all lifeguards/pool attendants
We provide professional lifeguard uniforms to your facility
We take care of all lifeguard write ups, disciplining, etc.
We ensure that lifeguards/pool attendants get their necessary breaks and lunches
Our lifeguards never take it easy, they are constantly on their feet watching the water, scanning, enforcing rules
All lifeguards are trained on how to take care of members and provide great customer service
We make it easy by invoicing you every two weeks-- thats all you have to do!
No more stressing about your pool and what your lifeguards are doing when you are not there to babysit them.
Contract out our private lifeguards to make sure that your facility is safe this summer.