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Image by Matthew Waring


Information on lifeguarding, swim lessons, aquatic contracting, health, pool safety, and so much more!

Lifeguard Entries

The main objective of entries is to enter the water safely and quickly to reach the swimmer in distress. Entering the pool when it is crowded can be difficult from the elevated station because of the swimmers below the station. Climbing down and walking along the pool deck until you are aligned the swimmer in distress would be the best method to entering the pool. Deciding which entry to use depends on the depth of the water, height and position of the station, obstacles in the water, location and condition of the victim, type of rescue equipment, and the design of the facility. The slide-in entry is the slowest entry, but it is the safest. It is used in shallow water, crowded pools, or when a victim has a head or neck injury. The stride jump is used in water that it is at least 5 feet deep and when you are no more than 3 feet above the water. The compact jump can be used from the pool deck or station, depending on how deep the water is. The water must be at least 5 feet deep if using a compact jump. The run-and-swim entry is used to enter water that is angled at a slope such as a shore or wave pool. Determining which entry to use is important because using the wrong entry can result in further injury.


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